Students on Professionally Recorded CD
Found in: Recitals & Events, Student Recognition
Bernadette A., California
To add value to my studio, I try to do as many activities as I can. I take my students to a recording studio every year. They record their music and cut a CD to take home. It is such a blast And my parents love it, they are so impressed.
Kimberly B., Washington
Love that! I so my best to record some of their songs in garage band every once in awhile, but this would take it to the next level! I wonder if there is a recording studio in my town?
Bernadette A., California
Kimberly B. yeah, it’s really different when you take them to the recording room, and the engineer is next door. It takes it to a professional level, and they feel so important. Parents absolutely love it and when you hand them over that CD, it’s a momentum of their childhood, that they’ll be able to keep forever and their experience with you.
Original discussion started August 13, 2022