Teacher Websites
Found in: Marketing & Advertising, Technology
Colleen H., Michigan
For those of you who have a website, could you share how you did it? Did you do it yourself? Did you hire it done? What is the average cost involved?
I use IPage, its really simple to do it yourself with their drag & drop tools, and they’re always offering special discounts.
Ruth M., Washington
I have a iMac which utilizes the program iweb, which is super simple to use so I do it myself and upload to Hostway for 14.95 per month. I also have a website on Music Teachers Helper, from which I operate my current student calendars, lesson notes, invoices, registration etc. It is also very easy to set up that website, I just have more variety on my everyonemakesmusic site and it has more web presence because it has been up for quite some time.
I have had students offer to manage my website for me in trade for lessons. But I like doing it myself.
Terah W., Kansas
Music Teachers Helper has a website and though it costs money it also includes some great tools to run your Studio. Have talked to numerous people who use this sight. Website is not elaborate but very nice and is a good liaison between you and the general public. You don’t have to be tech-y to figure it out either! Just in case you guys aren’t aware of the site, check it out!
Sue K., Australia
I used Yolla which is free, an easy interface to use and really easy to make changes. There are paid packages if you want them.
I am sure I could put financial stuff in there if I wanted, but for me it is simply an information site. There is the cost of registering your website address, also paying for hosting, but they can be very cheap if you look around. Usually there is no need for monthly payments.
Ian M., Indiana
I hired a guy to do a basic web site for my studio. I paid $300 for it, and was mostly satisfied with it at the time (close to three years ago). As time has gone by, I’ve become less satisfied.
Ruth R., Canada
I use Intuit.com, who have excellent hundreds and hundreds of good looking templates and excellent tech backup. At about 10.00 per month I’m quite satisfied. My website is basic but I think I haven’t bothered to do more, and don’t want the expense of more. handstomusic.ca
Bernie A., California
I use yahoo and pay $12.00 month (called sitebuilder). I used their templates and designed my own website.
Cheryl P., Texas
I have a basic website and only pay $4.00 a month. It works for me! I have services with a company called “1 and 1”. They provided several templates and it was fairly user friendly. This was the first website I have ever created. They provided free email accounts for my business as well.
Senya B. , California
I have been using music teachers helper, and although some features have been helpful, I have been hoping for something more.