Teaching Without a Voice
Found in: Playing-Based Methodology
Terri P., Michigan
We all know that Simply Music can be taught to blind and deaf students, but I recently found out that it can also be taught by a teacher who can’t speak! Let me explain.
Two weeks ago, I underwent a surgery on my vocal chords, literally leaving me speechless. I was not even allowed to mouth words. Needless to say, as a teacher, this puts one in an awkward position. I had planned on canceling my lessons, but surprisingly, none of my students wanted to cancel.
So, I taught every lesson that following week, without saying a word. With any other piano method, I wouldn’t think this possible. In fact, I didn’t really have any problem at all. This was accomplished by demonstrating, both on the keyboard and in the hand. I wrote very little down.
The 2nd week was a breeze, because by then I could speak for 5 minutes per hour. 🙂