Trading-Card-Sized Certificates
Found in: Student Recognition
Pat M., Canada
I am always looking for ways to motivate students. While I like the certificates for each level that are available to us, I’m wondering if students actually keep these as a record for all they’ve accomplished. What I would like to have is a trading-size card (can be made from paper) that will fit into a trading card sleeve (like Pokemon cards) and could be kept in the student’s binder. That way, the student can see all the levels they’ve done on a single sheet. On the front of the card there could be the Level and on the back could be the date, signatures and name. What do you think?
Mark M., New York
You can print the certificate PDFs small to do that. Print directly on small things, or make a doc that repeats them in a grid and print directly on regular size card stock that you then cut up.
Ian B., California
Technically this could be accomplished using the existing certificates. You’d just need to resize. You could use a simple document for the reverse side info
Pat M., Canada
How would I resize? Technically challenged here.
Mark M., New York
Pat M. Look up in, e.g., MS Word, or in Google re: MS Word, how to add and resize graphics/images. The steps are not practical to go through here but can easily be found.
Brenda D., Colorado
Certificate could be on one side, and cover of book completed on the other side?
Stephen R., California
I’ve heard of students framing them and putting them on their wall! I also celebrate student’s centennial lesson anniversaries and give them music pencils, music store certificates and pins depending on how long they’ve had lessons. Lots of good items on! Recently gave my most veteran student a piano note pad.
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
How about printing the artwork for each level on a trading card sized thick paper/card?
Joan H., California
I always have a box of plastic sleeve 8.5X 11 around, useful for so many things including slipping a regular sized certificate inside and voila, into the binder.
Original discussion started August 29, 2023