Advanced students and the playlist
Found in: Practicing & Playlists
Amy L., California
I think it’s time for me to allow my most advanced students (they’re near the end of Level 5) to prune their playlists. Does anyone have a list of songs you require your students to maintain, either because we will continue to build on them in future levels, or for any other reason (and if so, what’s the reason)? Also, is there a recommendation about how many pieces (or perhaps, total time to PLAY the pieces) for the total playlist?
Joanne D., Australia
I let the student decide what to retire as long as it’s not a song that continues further along in the program.
Maureen K., California
I keep the ones that will come back in future books (check the table of contents for books you haven’t yet gotten to). I let them retire anything else for the most part. They need to keep a playlist of at least 45 songs.
Krista C., Idaho
I just happened to listen to a segment where Neil talked about this. It’s in Time for More Music, under August 1.10. he talks about this starting at about 2 minutes in and discusses it only for a minute or two. Hope this helps.
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
I think in the segment Krista mentions, Neil specifies that this is when students are reading confidently. Just FYI.