Advertising with Groupon and Living Social
Found in: Marketing & Advertising
Carrie L., Michigan
I’m curious as to what results you all have gotten from Groupon or Living Social. For example what percentage has continued as quality students committed to a long-term relationship?
We’re currently at about 15-20% from our Groupon with some finishing up now.
Curious as to what the general percentage is.
Ian M., Indiana
I think 20% is about what I got out of it. And to me, that was worthwhile. I actually had about a third go unclaimed, with no contact at all, which struck me as odd. On the other hand, it’s still possible that those will bear fruit somewhere down the line, even though I’m well past the deadline now. I suppose that, depending on how it was presented, I might still honor a Groupon even now. I think I was dealing with a much smaller number than you had, though, Carrie (approx. 20).
Carrie L., Michigan
Thanks Ian. We’re actually at 30% which I think it great. I haven’t checked to see which
ones have been claimed or unclaimed. We sold about 33 and set a very short window (it went out June 11 and piano had to be used by September 15, guitar had to be used by August 1). Groupon said that if people ask you do need to honor the price that is on the certificate like a gift certificate. We also told them as long as they scheduled lessons or spoke with us by the due date we’d honor it. We have about five families that will start in October or November.
I recently found a radio station that will do a Groupon type coupon but also include air time as part of the deal. Same pricing as Groupon but much better deal if you get free advertising!
I also didn’t realize that Living Social provides you all the names of the clients that bought it as well as their contact info unlike Groupon. The radio station does this as well.
I believe that this type of deal (with several limitations that I’d do next time) is a great way to get in front of MANY people.
Cheryl W., Pennsylvania
Living social does not provide contact information – only names. They say it’s against privacy rules.