Referrals and Reviews
Facebook, Yelp or Google Reviews? How important are they? Well… I had a meeting from my business advisor from a company called Cultivate Advisors who said that any company with a yearly revenue of less than $1M should refrain from paying for google/facebook ads. This…
Appropriate Advertising Expenses (Yellow Pages)
I committed this week to paying for phone book advertising and have been having second thoughts. I don’t want to waste money on advertising, yet want to do what I need to do to get students. I really want to teach shared lessons. My perception…
Yellow Pages – Shared Advertising
Here in Western Australia the Yellow Pages has been used for some years now. Since last November we have had a substantially larger ad than previously, and have had the number of calls almost double. There have been 271 calls in the past 8 months.…
Free Advertising
I’ve been reading the recent Posts and noticed several mentions of the Free Advertising available on the web. I’d like to know where you were able to find Free Advertising. I’ll start off with the places I’ve found for Free Advertising: Some more…
Handling an Advertising Error & Being Bold
Several people have mentioned the results of boldness lately, so I thought I’d share a story about what happened to Cindy Bettinger and myself, as we routinely advertise cooperatively. I recently had an incident with our local newspaper, and because of this, I decided to…
What Problem Do We Solve for Clients?
Often when doing business training, the first thing we are asked to find out is ‘What is the Problem we are solving for your clients?’ This stumps me every time. Of course I know all the benefits. However, I was wondering if any of you…
Studio Name
Has anyone had issues with choosing a studio name? I just did a Google search for my chosen name, and there’s nothing by that name coming up. Someone has a studio several hours drive away with that name, and there’s also at least one in…
Question about Workshops
I would love to grow my studio from the plateau of about 20 students to more like 50. One thing I want to do is add Workshops. I see a 6-minute training on Workshops in Business Support. Where else would you suggest I look? Also,…
Growing adult student population
Some folks asked me to share about growing your adult student population. Here are a few things that have worked for me. 1) Deciding that’s what I wanted. Yes, I have turned down requests for teaching children. I adore kids, but at this point in…
Teaching and marketing to adult students
I wanted to share my experience in teaching Simply Music to adults. When I began about five and a half years ago, the majority of my students were children. For various reasons – over time – many of those children left. I realized that my…