Advertising with Music Bags
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Patti P., Hawaii
I’m thinking of getting some customized music bags as a promotional item for my studio – has anyone done this/ any recommendations on a company to use or a bag style that you liked?
Julia S., Kansas
Vistapint does totes:
I’ve been very happy with everything I’ve ordered from Vistapint (business cards and yard signs). They’re quick, too.
I’m glad you asked this question! You’ve reminded me that I’ve been toying with the idea of having studio totes or mugs made to give my students to reward significant achievements (e.g. completing a level, playing in a recital, whatever).
The totes are probably the best idea because when your students carry them around, people will notice them and it will open up a conversation about how much they love their piano lessons!
Ruth M., Washington
When Students enroll ( not workshops) at my studio, I provide them with a three ring binder that includes my studio policies, practice tips, roles and requirements , a calendar for the current year, etc.
We hole punch their materials and put them in the folder. Each student is also given a bag.
We use music mind game materials so they can keep that in the bag as well as any other music or accouterments.
Everyone puts their name on everything, if they do not, I have no idea whose bag is whose.
I have a sharpie in class for those who want it done then and there.
I buy my bags from Vistaprint when there is a sale and free shipping (get on their mailing list)
My students appreciate that I am trying to get them organized from the start with a place for everything so they do not lose their materials.
For me it is worth the expense, even if people do not notice their bags very much as advertising, just because I do not have a studio full of loose materials and chaos.
I am VERY disorganized by nature, so I try to impress, and use as many organization tools as I can.
Rochelle G.
I give all my students music bags as part of the “package” when they enroll. I have a friend who does embroidery. She orders these great, simple, canvas bags, embroiders my studio logo on them, and adds the students first name.
My families love this! And I love seeing all those red bags under their chairs each lesson!
I spend 12.00 on each bag. The promo is worth it to me, especially the good will feeling and sense of community that this simple music bag brings.