Building Brand Awareness
Found in: Marketing & Advertising
Evan H., Kansas
We just wanted to share some of the ads we’ve been using. Some of these have worked incredibly well, others not so much. Either way, we hope some of them work for you!
Most of them were designed by our local newspaper, which has a fantastic art department. Most of the slogans are ours in some form, or were altered by the newspaper.
We welcome any feedback or suggestions!
We’ve received a lot of questions about which ads worked the best, so we just thought we’d post an answer on the forum!
The truth is, none of the ads was a “magic bullet,” but rather, they’re part of a long-term program to build brand awareness in Kansas. Each ad represents an evolution in our thinking. An ad that featured a young man playing the piano was created after we told the artist that we wanted all of our ads to reinforce four ideas:
1. Piano is a fantastic source of pleasure, self expression and creativity,
2. You can experience this yourself
3. Our breakthrough method will get you playing real songs immediately and make the piano your life-long companion.
4. Your dream can come true.
The result of this was the “young man” ad, and that caused us to refine our focus a little bit more and to stress the personal aspects of playing and enjoying piano. The next concept was what we call “the life of the party” which features two young women playing the piano in a Christmas-themed setting. We have directed the artist to stick with the look and core ideas of that ad for the rest of the ads that we are going to run this year. The most recent ad, showing the young woman delighting in per piano, is our most tightly-focused concept at this time. (All images in these ads came from, and the ads themselves were designed by a staff artist with the Kansas Journal-World newspaper.) All of our ads for the remainder of the year will feature the “life of the party” theme.
We want viewers to associate Simply Music piano lessons with pleasure, fun, and fulfillment. And we also want them to believe that, with our help, they can learn to play, have great fun doing it, and therefore, be willing to take the first steps with our studios.