Lead Me to Light rhythm
Found in: Foundation Songs, Musicality, Pedaling, Technique
Joy O., Alabama
Please help me with the rhythm of Lead Me to Light. I can’t feel it, and my most advanced group is ready to learn it next week. I’m getting it with counting, but I need to teach it playing-based.
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
I sometimes will sing a lyric using the correct rhythm, like “1-2-3-4—–wait, and 1-2-3-4—-wait”.
Stephen R., California
Listen and play to the audio too!
Leeanne I., Australia
Yes, listen to the audio. A lot. Watch the demonstration chapter of the TTM.
I suggest that students start listening to the audio recordings for the whole level at the beginning of each level. It’s easier to learn a song when you know it. You don’t think so much of the math of the notes you play, but rather, what it should sound like.