Managing the Playlist in Groups
Found in: Practicing & Playlists, Shared Lessons, Time Management
Sheri R., California
How does one hear all the songs at the end of each level in a group environment? Does one actually take the time to hear every piece in Level One from every student during one lesson, before giving them a certificate? Or do you spread it out over a few lessons? Do you only give a certificate if every piece is played with ease? Do you do this before you introduce the next level?
Kevin Meyer, California
Yes, I do hear every piece and make sure it can be played with ease before I give the certificate and move on to the next level. In a private or shared lesson, this is easy because you just have them play. I am quite diligent about maintaining their Playlist, so I know the arrangements are up to speed. On concert day, I only hear the songs from the videos, which could take one or two lessons. I always cover new material towards the end of concert day (usually an arrangement.) If a song is not up to speed, I have them review the SHMs, and play it on my voicemail or at the next lesson before I give them a certificate and move on.
The groups require a little more managing. I usually hold a concert at the end of each level, and let the students invite friends and family members. I have managed their Playlist enough, so I know where everyone is with their songs. That is the key to being successful, especially in groups. I can’t stress enough the importance of hearing the songs regularly, and having a system to keep track of that for yourself, so you are sure they have ALL of their songs staying strong. That way, on concert day, you can rotate the songs between students. My students know if they do not keep up their songs, I will make them review the video and play it back on my machine before their next lesson. If they are not keeping up their Playlist, I will not keep them in this group. They will have to go to a slower group so that they can review and catch up, or pay for some private lessons to stay caught up to the group they are in.