group lessons

Showing 1 - 10 of 90 results in group lessons


I’m starting my third year, and my studio just grew from 20 to 27. At the smaller size I had smaller classes, designed not only around age and ability but also around each family’s schedule. My scheduling process has been to ask each family what…

Low Energy Group

I’m a brand new teacher, just a month in. I’m teaching only shared lessons and have several groups of different abilities and ages. Overall, I love the energy of the group and all the different, engaging activities you can do with them. I have one…

Teaching Space for Groups

For anyone out there teaching groups, where do you teach? I’ve checked with music stores and a few other places, with no luck as of yet. I got a quote from a church for $20/hour to use their room. I thought it sounded a little…

Charging Fees per Level

I will be teaching group lessons through the local Parks and Recreation Department. Since I have to have “sections” I have arranged them by levels running 10 weeks. The students also pay a lump sum for the 10 week session. To figure out the price…