New Variation to Night Storm
Found in: Arrangements & Variations, Foundation Songs
Cathy H., California
I call mistakes that work out well “happy accidents”. And this was a big one created by a brand new 8-year-old student of mine while rehearsing her recital piece, Night Storm, during class. She calls the piece I.N.C. (Introduction, Night Storm, Conclusion) and gave me permission to share it with you all:
Move BH up 2 registers from middle C
Place BH in Night Storm position
LH plays Night Storm
RH plays Dreams
BH play together as they would for Dreams
Tailpiece same as Dreams in BH (Night Storm position)
(The LH plays A & E chord with first note of RH Dreams, and A & F with last note of RH Dreams)
Night Storm:
Move hands to original Night Storm starting position and play as usual with the additional 4 notes added, and make sure you sing!
Move hands up 1 register from middle C; play very softly
Repeat of Introduction
It sounded so good that it took me a minute to realize what she had done. It was really funny to watch this unfold. She kept saying something isn’t right. I wanted her to discover her error and when she did–what a reaction! She was sooo excited. She’s still working on changing her Conclusion. When she left she ran to her mom and said, “Mom! Mom! I made a mistake and she really liked it!”