Reading Notes: dealing with clef symbols
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Susan M., Canada
I’m working through the Reading Notes program for the first time and I just introduced the Ladder and Race conversations. On page 5 of the Reference Book, the Streams page alternates between treble and bass clefs. I haven’t introduced clefs yet. Do you have students play only hands separate for these exercises, or do you ask them to try hands together too? Or do you specifically get them to use RH with treble clef, and LH with bass clef as written?
Mark M., New York
For those early streams, I have them do hands together, because there is as of yet no definite location relation taught between the page and the keyboard. Also remember that clefs don’t automatically relate to hands — either hand’s staff may have either clef. So even after location points are done and it’s appropriate to do just one hand to play the actual notes presented, there is no necessary reason to limit treble clefs to RH and bass clefs to LH.
Patti P., Hawaii
I have a conversation with them at that point (after I ask them what is new on the page – I like them to notice it themselves) about the clef signs, and just tell them to play both hands in the appropriate part of the piano.
Stephen R., California
The clefs also show up in Reading Rhythm MOR 5’s and 6’s. I hadn’t noticed it before, just that the notes are on different lines and spaces. I guess the conversation could begin there even though students are only reading rhythm at that point.
I don’t know why the clefs do show up on only those two rhythm pages. I have not brought it up here, even though it could be. It could easily be addressed on these Reading Notes pages, but I tend to ignore these until we “officially” bring them up on the Staff and Regions page.
Mark M., New York
The idea on RR pages 5-6 is simply that students will need to develop the skill of paying attention only to the rhythmic aspects of full sheet music at times when processing a complete sheet of music. That’s all I tell my students. I draw no attention to those clefs.