Advertising Using Car Signs
Found in: Marketing & Advertising
Joy V., Texas
I can’t stress enough how beneficial the magnetic signs on my car have been. Someone asked me offline for a template, so I thought I’d share here briefly. This is so simple, it’s almost ridiculous. My signs simply say:
The Joy of Music
Piano Studio
I used a really curly script type font for The Joy of Music (but not so curly that it’s not easily readable at a glance) and used a black background with light blue letters. My graphics guy made a mistake and made my second set with a cream background and maroon letters. Didn’t matter — they both are equally effective.
What amazes me is, I pull up to the drive-through at Taco Bell and someone says, “So you teach piano?” My car is constantly advertising my presence when I’m at Walmart, the bank, or just driving down the street.
I don’t have to put any catchy phrase or anything on my sign. I’m just advertising that I’m the local piano teacher. So within six months, the town already knows who that teacher is and how to contact her. And all for less than $100.
And, although I may have a city ordinance about putting a sign in my yard, the sign stuck to the side of my car does not apply, even though it’s sitting in front of my house. . .
Barbara M.
For those of you using car magnets, what slogan or design do you use? What information do you include: Simply Music; your name, your website, anything else?
Marcine F., North Carolina
For those considering the magnetic car signs, I just ordered the large size (11×18) from Vista Print using one of their designs.
Melani M., Georgia
I ordered a sign from VistaPrint. I have gotten a few inquiries from the signs, but no new students as of yet. (Word of mouth still seems to be the best advertising.)
Play Piano Immediately!
• Breakthrough approach
• Play pop, blues and classical
from your very first lessons
Melani M.
Licensed Teacher
[web address]