Returning to Lessons In Person
Found in: About Business, Online Learning, Studio Policies, Teaching Online Lessons
Nancy W., Texas
I would love to start having face to face lessons when school starts, but I fear the liability is too great. This was confirmed to me by a businessman, stating to me if i open to teach I should have a release form signed by all. What are your thoughts? Are you going to do Face to face lessons this fall? What precautions are/will you be taking when you begin teaching face to face. I miss my students. BTW I’m in N Texas, not near Dallas🙄
Ruth P., North Carolina
I’m not ready – I’m in Raleigh, NC
Kimberly B., Washington
I’m planning on it, but open for changing if needed. I’m in rural WA. Most places are asking you to sign a release form, so I would say if you feel comfortable with the risk of possibly getting sick based on your area, then just have them sign a form and go for it.
Marsha L., Virginia
I teach them in Gainesville, VA. I just teach in my home and have a buffer time in between lessons to clean the piano, door knobs, etc. I’m not doing any group lessons right now. I taught virtual for awhile, but it wasn’t for me, especially with young kids.
It’s a tough call. I didn’t have them sign a waiver, just told them it was my preference, but they could choose. I have a couple who wanted to continue with virtual. Two a week is better than all. 😉
Colleen B., Canada
I’ve invited my local students back. Washing of hands and piano, and conversation about needing to be comfortable with the necessity of close contact as we interact in the lesson. It’s a virus, I’m going to treat it like a virus. I also do not require waivers during flu season. I plan to open the windows as I teach and came across a brilliant idea to set up a keyboard on my porch which would work in the shade.
Stephen R., California
I’m holding off for a while… I’m four months in, what’s another six months!
My brother’s in health care and thinks things may get worse in the Fall when/if the “second wave” hits. I just don’t want to go back to online if we have to shelter again… I’m already (and safely) living in this format with the occasional technical hiccups. Btw, a few of my students upgraded their home wifi or did a wired connection and I see the difference! 🙂
Heidi M., Canada
I am in NS Canada. In my province all our covid 19 deaths have been from people over 70 or in nursing homes. So far less risk for younger people. I will make in person lessons an option starting the last week of July..depending whether they prefer in person or online. No waiver forms. My provincial government only requires me to have some plan/measures to prevent covid 19 in the face to face situation. But It is far more likely to catch that virus in the grocery store (so many people there) than in my studio..
Mary R., Michigan
I may never go back to in person. At least not until there is a vaccine. Too risky for me!
Kerry V., Australia
one reason i decdied not to go back and re visit the idea next year. Every thing is still up in the air, and here in Melb we are in lock down again. So i want to keep it as consistant for studetns as possibl.e
Diane C., California
We are afraid of that in CA too. I was going to go back in person in July and chose not to. So happy I didn’t ! I didn’t want the back and forth game. Even for those that online is a struggle ,I think consistency is best!
Susan M., Toronto
I’m in Toronto. I have no plans to go in person this fall due to the population density and that there is still fluctuation in active cases.
Cara M., Oregon
I’m staying virtual. We’re still in the first wave of COVID, with the second larger wave likely to start this fall. My students are used to being online and happy to stay there for as long as necessary.
Theresa P., Illinois
I offer both Zoom or in-person. I believe that adults are smart enough to decide what is best for themselves and their families and should have the freedom to do so–especially with a disease that 99.3% survive and doesn’t effect children.
Laura P. Arizona
I offer both based off family comfort
Original discussion started July 8, 2020