Student Home Materials For Non- English Speaking Students
Found in: Student Management, Studio Communication
Kathleen C., Australia
Just as I am trying to grow my studio I am thinking of how it would work if I introduce Simply Music to non-English speaking students. I wonder if anyone has taught Simply Music to non-English speaking students (when they don’t speak nor understand English) and if so, how do they use the Student Home Materials (SHM), and in particular the video? I suppose I could teach in their language and translate where necessary, but when it comes to them reviewing the video at home, they probably won’t have a clue? Are there any suggestions on what can be done?
Sue C., Australia
I’ve had students whose parents did not speak English. It worked fine for me, as usually the children understand a lot more than their parents as they go to school. They may not be able to speak though. They are good to teach because they rely greatly on the video and gain more than how to play though it as they improve in English language. Often the non English speaking parents understand quite a lot of the conversation, or some of it anyway.
One child I have at the moment is learning in lessons mainly by me touching the correct finger to play while using keypad at first, then piano. He is five or six years old and I would say quite bright. I am only doing Foundations songs at present with him.
With these students I do all the talking and try to get only YES or NO answers from parents as I do not understand the reply. In saying this I don’t talk too much, probably more less than with others, but I encourage a lot more, pat on shoulder, Well done, etc. I give him many claps. I smile a lot so he can relax and doesn’t read my non-smiling face as unfriendly. I am still learning improving in how to do it.
You could ask them to attend the Introductory Session with a friend who can tell them what you said and help with forms. I have found it was not much good playing the Intro Video.