Student who only wants to read
Found in: Free Introductory Session, Playing-Based Methodology
Cheri S., Utah
I got an inquiry from a 25-year-old lady who made it clear she just wants to learn to read music. On the phone when I described all I’ve gained from SM, her attitude seemed to be “I don’t need all that–I just want to play from my church’s hymn book”.
I encouraged her to come over for an intro session, so she can really experience how Simply Music works. If she does, are there any helpful tweaks to the basic intro session that could help her picture what she’d gain compared to traditional lessons?
Joanne D., Australia
I’d probably talk more about accompaniment style and how she can apply this to her hymn book fairly quickly. If her focus is solely wanting to read, it’s surprising she is coming for an intro session.
Joy O., Alabama
Be sure you point out that Ode to Joy is “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”. It’s a lovely hymn, and she can play three fourths of it when she gets the part you teach in the introductory session. If she truly wants ONLY to learn to read music, SM may not be for her. But if what she really wants is to be able to play and enjoy hymns, then this method is great for that. She will learn to read music, and her reading will be holistic, plus her playing will be musical. I took organ lessons because I wanted to play hymns. Didn’t get what I have with Simply Music: the ability to play the music I love in a way that works for me.
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
I would definitely have her come to an FIS where you can explain all the opportunities. People don’t realize there is a different way and may not even know they can learn to play Accompaniment, blues, jazz, compose, improvise, etc. If she’s still not interested, then it’s just not for her.
Cate R., Australia
Sometimes you’ll encounter students with certain demands, like the guy who only wanted to play the blues, but he learned so much more and really loved his classical pieces instead.