Teaching at the Student’s Home
Found in: Claiming Territory, Scheduling
Sue C., Australia
I have been asked to teach a student at their own unit which is very close by and would not be any difficulty for me to walk there.
As yet I have not had the FIS so will discuss it more then. Have other teachers had experience with this or a view on going to the student’s place of residence?
Carrie L., Michigan
I taught in a student’s home last summer with the understanding that it would be for 6 weeks in the summer only. I wouldn’t do it again.
It seemed that no matter what situation I tried to create, they didn’t follow the established parameters. For example, Mom was supposed to be home, but often wasn’t and other issues.
If they are close enough that you can walk to them, they are certainly close enough to have them walk to you.
Sue D., California
I recently starting teaching a group of 3 adults at one of their homes. At our first meeting I found that I took my place as a guest in the home along with the other two students, and this was a problem for me in claiming territory.
If the phone would ring, the homeowner would slip away from the group and take the call, or talk to the housekeeper, or shoo the dog out of the house. She had set us all up to sit around a table some distance from the piano, which was not the way I would have chosen. I have chairs near the piano and a constant rotation to the piano bench, but I could see she had set things up ahead of time so I did it her way. On the whole I would say her natural instincts as “host” were taking over the format of the class and I was not forward thinking enough to take charge, in a kind, firm and confident way, of course.
Susan F., California
Neil once said to me in a coaching session that I should not go to a student’s home, because when you do you sacrifice too much territory . . . and he’s absolutely right!
Last year I went to a student’s house to teach, because he was paying me an insane amount of money to do so, but I found that no amount of money or convenience (for him) made him respect me or the process. It was a frustrating and unrewarding experience. I ended up terminating the student which only sent him into a rage.
I’ve taught both traditionally and now the Simply Music method, and in all cases the result was the same no matter whose house I went to. The bottom line is students don’t take lessons seriously when they are on their turf. Once you sacrifice that territory by coming to them, it’s virtually impossible to claim it back.
If they want lessons badly enough, let them make the effort to come to you. You won’t regret it!
Kerry V., Australia
For me, I have noticed that the people who wanted lessons at home were usually ones who were not really committed to their lessons. When I had been asked in the past about teaching at others’ homes and my response was a negative to them, it became clear in the conversation that they were looking for convenience – not a great way to learn how to play. I am not going to waste my time on them. They have the control in the situation. My ideal is for students to come to me, I am too busy with other students who are interested in learning SM that I will put my energy into them because they are putting the energy into it too. It goes both ways.
Do not do it to please others. This I have learned. Before, I would say yes to anyone, but have found that I was depleted in energy and stressed. With them coming to me, I can be so much more prepared for all of my students.
Think carefully as to why you would go there instead of them coming to you, especially if they are within walking distance. Are you doing it to please people? To be a ‘yes’ person? Because you don’t want to “lose” a prospective student? Because you want people to think you are a ‘nice’ person?.
Really be honest with your questions and answers to find the truth and make your decision from your truth.
Sue Coles, Australia
Thank you for the great advice I received on this topic. I have just held the FIS for the mother and daughter who wanted me to teach at their apartment and after watching the video and had gone through most other points, the mother asked me what I thought of going to her apartment. That made it easy for me to confidently say that I thought it would be better if they came to my location. She agreed, and I did not even have to mention all the reasons which I gleaned from your responses, but I have them ready for the next time.
Your responses helped me to work out my position and to be confident in the way I spoke. Thank you!