Missed Lessons
I have a family of 2 boys that are giving me problems with missed lessons. In the early spring of this past year the mom didn’t want to pay for missed lessons while they went on vacation so had them quit for the summer rather…
Lessons After Summer Camp
I received an inquiry from a Mom (referred by a mom of a current student) regarding lessons for her two sons, ages 6 and 8. She asked for evening times because the boys are in camp during the day. My experience with kids in camp…
Lesson Length for Young Students
I’m starting a small 5/6 yr old group. I’m thinking of having it be 20 min instead of my normal 25-30. Any thoughts? I would have it be the regular time but tell the parents there may be some weeks that will be done early…
Airtable Studio Organization
In response to a recent post asking for suggestions on spreadsheets and studio organization, I mentioned a free database software app I have used the past few years called “Airtable.” Airtable is a cloud-based database creator with really exciting possibilities, and the FREE version is…
Avoiding Weekend Lessons
Has anyone ever been through this…….. I don’t want to work weekends anymore. So I have to shift some students to midweek. I know I can make it work, but that means someone who already has a midweek spot, has to move to a later…
Lesson Bomb Surprise
Lesson bombs with Neil – has anyone told your students ahead of time rather than having it be a surprise? Would that be OK to do? Or perhaps telling them there will be a surprise guest and to choose a short piece or a 20-second…
Pop Up Lesson and Lesson Bomb
An idea that might be helpful, especially to those teachers in the southern hemisphere wanting to schedule a lesson bomb with Neil: I invited students to a Pop Up Piano Lesson. This was a time outside of anybody’s regular lesson time. I scheduled a lesson…
Drop-In / Office Hours
I wonder if anybody is offering an extra “drop in hour” for extra support to students? I was thinking, perhaps 10 minute time slots. I believe I heard reference to this on one of the recent calls with Neil and thought it was a great…
Emergency Cancellation
I am sad to say that my mother-in-law is very ill and may pass any day. I sent an email to my students and parents giving them a head’s up. So if/when I have to cancel lessons, they will be ready. Also I did it…
Two Lessons Per Week
One of my new private adult students (she is practicing diligently, LOVES SM, her playlist so far is very strong) wants to switch from having one (half-hour) lesson per week to two (half-hour) lessons weekly (several days apart) because she is eager to make even…