Accompaniment 1 – “Whisper”
Found in: Accompaniment, Composition & Improvisation
Sherrie A., California
Question from the accompaniment program: Starting with the major 7th chords, there are parts of three songs that the teacher videos refer to as worksheets. “Danny Boy” and “On My Way Back” are already introduced in the accompaniment program so it’s easy to transfer to the rest of the music. But where do we find “Whisper?” Are they not meant to be able to play the entire song?
Neil Moore
Whisper is just an excerpt and used as an example piece. There’s no additional content for that song.
Anna J., Canada
The chord pattern can be the basis for some pretty amazing improv if you want to draw it out more, or expand how you use it. We do it as duets…one student playing Whisper, with another improvising using only white notes. It always sounds amazing!
Sandy L., Nebraska
I have also considered a composition assignment or challenge–to have students come up with their own Whisper verse(s). I like Anna’s improv tip for this song!