Accompaniment Variations pieces
Found in: Accompaniment
Helen P., Minnesota
As I begin to go deeper into the Accompaniment Variations, I wonder if you have recommendations for which songs to use for each generally, either within the SM program or outside. Have you found anything that works better than others?
Leeane I., Australia
I have nearly finished Accompaniment Variations. I have done all except for the last page and I have finished Accompaniment 1. I have set myself a project to go through all of my ‘Songs for…’ books and try all the various rhythm projects for myself, to see which ones I like for each particular song. Teaching myself to be self-generative.
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
Neil does recommend songs from Accompaniment 1 for each variation. I also use Happy Birthday for 3/4 time signature variations. Also around the holidays, there are tons of Christmas songs that are great to use. I also use Face Books regularly with Accompaniment Variations.