accompaniment variations
Complex Chords Beyond Accompaniment 1
First, how do you teach all the complex chords beyond the last Danny Boy piece in Accompaniment Book 1? Do you choose other lead sheets? Work on exercises with the other chords? Second, after Accompaniment Book 1, when is a student ready for Accompaniment Level…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- acc, Acc 1, acc 2, Acc Var, acc1, Acc2, accomp, accomp 2, Accompaniment, accompaniment 1, accompaniment pieces, accompaniment program, accompaniment resources, accompaniment variations, additional chord books, AV, chord, chord beyond Accompaniment 1, Chord Chart, chord charts, chord diagrams, Chord Drill, chord strategies, chords, complex chords, current music in accompaniment, easy fake books, Elizabeth Gaikwad, fake books, Laurie Richards, learning chords, outside accompanimnent pieces, playing chords, relevance of accompaniment variations
Reading Rhythm and Swing
Right now I have several students who are simultaneously going through RR and Accompaniment Variations. As such, it *seems* like a logical step to start including swing rhythm as a variation when learning to read 8th notes (doubles). However, there is not a single discussion…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- Acc Var, accompaniment variations, Alma Mater Blues, alma mater blues 2nd section, AMB, AV, blues rhythm, complex rhythm, counting rhythms, doubles, humpty, humpty dumpty, Laurie Richards, light blue, light blue rhythm, masters of the rhythm, reading, reading rhythm, reverse engineer, reverse engineering, rhythm, rhythm diagram, rhythm diagrams, rhythm difficulty, rhythm streams, rhythm tracks, RR, rules for writing rhythms, swing rhythm, swing rhythms, teaching rhythm
Accompaniment Variation Duplicates
Question about Acc Var (Accompaniment Variations). Is Var #6 intentionally duplicated to #18? Is this just because we’re working within different song? It’s not intentional but not necessarily an error; Neil just didn’t realize it was a duplicate. Would the same be true for 16…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- acc, Acc Var, accomp, Accompaniment, accompaniment variations, AV, AV 1, AV 16, AV 18, AV 19, AV 2, AV 20, AV 21, AV 6, Laurie Richards, relevance of accompaniment variations, variation, variations
Accompaniment Variations pieces
As I begin to go deeper into the Accompaniment Variations, I wonder if you have recommendations for which songs to use for each generally, either within the SM program or outside. Have you found anything that works better than others? I have nearly finished Accompaniment…
- Last updated 7 years ago
- Accompaniment, accompaniment variations, fake books, Laurie Richards
Accompaniment Variations 23 & 24
I’m confused on Accompaniment Variations 23 & 24. Do they only apply to second inversion chords? Neil uses Amazing Grace as an example, so would all the chords be in second inversion through the song, or only the first chord? I couldn’t tell if he’s…
- Last updated 7 years ago
- 2nd inversions, Acc Var, Accompaniment, accompaniment variations, AV, inversions, Laurie Richards, Playlist
Songs for Christmas chord inversions
The variations in Songs for Christmas use inversions that my Level 4 students have not yet learned. However, they’re beyond the basic C F & G chords of the simple versions. Should I teach the variations using root position chords, or find a way to…
- Last updated 7 years ago
- Accompaniment, accompaniment variations, chord inversions, chords, inversions, Songs for Christmas, transposing
Accompaniment Variations 23 & 24
Any advice on Accompaniment Variations 23 and 24 (pivot runs) which are applied to chord inversions? This isn’t presented until Accompaniment 2, so should we come back to these later? I think you just teach the pattern without explaining. I usually just say C chord…
- Last updated 8 years ago
- accompaniment, accompaniment variations, chord inversions, inversions, pivot runs
Accompaniment Variation 22
I’m reviewing Accompaniment Variations project/variation 22 and have this question – does the “top up” chord work only for major chords? Or does it work for other chord types too? I tried it with a minor chord but it doesn’t sound right. Stick with major…
- Last updated 8 years ago
- Acc Var, accompaniment, accompaniment variations, AV, AV 22, chords, Laurie Richards, top up
How to handle instrumental bridges in outside accompaniment pieces
When students start bringing in some of their own music, we inevitably run into selections that have extended instrumental bridge sections. What do you do with these? It doesn’t seem to make sense to just play the chords through this section, unless perhaps the chords…
- Last updated 8 years ago
- accompaniment, accompaniment variations, bridges, improv, Laurie Richards, musical bridges, outside pieces
Relevance of Accompaniment Variations
I’ve been evaluating the relevance and contribution of the accompaniment variations, and a few of the conclusions I’ve drawn are… The AV’s are vital in helping you get very familiar with: the keyboard itself, rhythmic (?) use of upbeats, on sight as well as improvisational…
- Last updated 10 years ago
- accompaniment variations, relevance of accompaniment variations