Apologize by One Republic
Found in: Accompaniment, Curriculum
Mary R., Michigan
Have had a blast in class this week having kids play along to the current hit song Apologize by One Republic. Only four chords (cm, Ab, Eb and Bb) so anybody who is past Scarborough Fair in the Accompaniment book could do it and anyone over the age of 8 or 9 likely knows it. Playing along with a YouTube or downloaded version really makes one feel like the keyboardist in the band and it’s SO much fun. Also shocks the heck out of my students as my general rule for them is don’t bring in music published after 1974 if you expect me to know it and be the singer!
If you want to try it just google the lyrics. Chord progression NEVER changes throughout the song. Two slow hits each for verse and four fast ones for the chorus. Only objectionable lyric is right at the top and seems to go right over most heads including my own, but use your own discretion.
Have fun!
Donny L., Ohio
A very nice suggestion. Live performance Song is in Eb..Chords are Cm -Ab-Eb-Bb. Like Mary said the kids should love this..Thanks Mary. Pick any key just start on the VIm, IV,I,V. That’s all folks!!
Original discussion started February 18, 2012