Chester Blues Duet
Found in: Arrangements & Variations, Blues, Curriculum, Foundation Songs
Sue C., Australia
As I am getting students ready for the end of year recital I thought I would share this simple level one idea with you for a duet.
While one student plays Chester in the normal position, another student can play Jackson Blues with changes on the top part of the piano. The only difference is the RH where the no. 3 finger will play a black note in the I and IV chord. Also the order is altered to fit Jackson Blues. Instructions are on the attached document
I am also using the idea I saw on SM YouTube where one student plays Honey Dew while another is playing Dreams.
Chester Blues Duet
Chester Chills Out is played as normal.
Jackson Blues is played on the higher part of piano with change in order to fit with Chester.
In Chords I and IV, finger no 3 moves to the black note.
One day I was walking down the street, (Top, Bottom)
Felt my toes start freezing on my feet, (Top, Bottom)
Summer’s gone and taken all the heat (Top, Bottom)
Left me standing in the snow knee deep (Top, Bottom)
Original discussion started February 26, 2012