Dreams Arrangements Chord for Small Hands
Found in: Arrangements & Variations, Young Students
Stephen R., California
If a younger student can’t yet manage the second chord of Dreams Arrangement 1, is there a preference in a three-note version? Fingers 123 (shifting 3) throughout or 135 (shifting 3 and 5) with the 9th omitted for now? I think they both work and even 145 on the sus chord at the end or all four notes. The same issue will come up for the fourth chord of Night 1 and Bishop St, but Dreams 1 has clearly changing upper notes and with the other songs the top note stays.
Kerry V., Australia
depending on what they can do, give them just the base note to play. When ready do fingers 1 and 5. Then they’ll move to the 3rd finger. I found that when i said to kids ‘you won’t be able to do this yet so i’ll show you this way until you can’ they would be determined to make it happen 😉
Stephen R., California
Kerry V. That’s a good idea, just 1 and 5! I realize the shifting 3 and 5 is good preparation for the Ode variation later.
Terri P., Michigan
Personally, I just skip it and come back to it later. I do teach them what I call Dreams Arr 1B, where the chord is in the left hand, which is easier, along with the melody in the right hand.
Ian B., California
An alternate “3-note” chord would be C-F-A. You’d still need to teach them how to open their hand at the thumb and slide fingers 3 and 5 to the right (up).
Original discussion started November 4, 2023