Family Discounts- Multiple Student Families
Found in: Fees Rates & Cost, Studio Management
Elaine F. South Carolina
Do any of you give discounts for the second, third, or fourth child from same family?
Dianna V. Minnesota
I do give a discount for additional family members, although I know others will disagree with me on that. I just know that when my sister and I were taking lessons, our family really appreciated that.
Mark M. New York
I have always had a family discount policy, since before I was even a Simply Music teacher, and applicable for not only piano lessons but all the arts-related services I offer. Not just siblings, anyone, parents included. Everyone after the first person gets a discount. At first it was always 10%, but to simplify my accounting I now round off the numbers, so it often ends up being a bit less than 10%. Still, my families appreciate it.
Loyalty programs are a crucial way of gaining business and increasing retention, whether it’s frequent flier accounts, punch cards for you to get something for free after you get 10 or 12 or however many of something at some local Mom and Pop, family discounts for piano lessons, and many more such things.
Ethel S. Arizona
We do give discounts for the second and third child. If there are more than three, they pay the same price as the third child.
Nancy L. Ohio
I offer substantial discounts for multiple family members from the same, immediate family. The first student pays full tuition, the second gets a 30% discount, and the third or more receives a 50% off the full tuition price. I instituted these discounts years ago as I have had many homeschooled students. These discounts offered the opportunity for multiple children within the same family to participate in lessons. Since I teach both piano and flute, these discounts apply regardless of which instrument the student is studying.
Kerry V. AU
I am glad this has come up as I was thinking about it recently for homeschoolers. I used to give family discounts but each time I did the parents abused it. I got tired of this so I have set that ALL students pay the same rate. I have many two family members, all in the same class, and NOONE has a problem with it. They have the choice to pay by one or two installments (average of 10 weeks at a time). Most students, regardless if they are single, or more in one family opt for the full payment. When I mention that it is x amount they do not ask if this is for each, as I have already said this. They then say they want to enroll.
This week I started five kids in one class and one family have included two of their children. Another mum is looking to adding two more children. Not one has asked for a discount.
Having said all the above however, if I do have homeschoolers with more than two, I will offer a discount. I simply am not getting myself caught in other peoples’ problems. If they want two children or more, then they pay. I work in both poor and affluent areas and all pay. All my parents know they can talk to me if they cannot make payment. I don’t have a problem with them paying later if they talk to me about it. Really not a problem and they always keep their word. It sounds as though I am heartless. That couldn’t be further from the truth. However, it is the way I run my business and everyone is working with me on this. I have many students who have been with me for three or more years.
Personally, I find that when I did give discounts, I’ve felt that I am the one being cheated on the price and seem to have treated the situation with a little contempt. That is not fair on anyone. So there is no ‘discrimination’ in my classes.
I really appreciate that times can be tough for people, but I also don’t want times to be tough for me through my generosity. I have overheads to pay for and every student’s payment percentage covers these.
Dixie C. Washington
As I see it, the family discount is built into the cost of materials. Since they don’t have to purchase an entire set of Student Home Material’s for each student, that’s a significant savings!