Purchasing MAC at Teacher’s discount of 50%
I am wondering how I purchase the MAC Foundation Enhancement program at the 50% discount? When I click on it, it asks me for the full $35. As long as you are using the same email as your teacher account, in the final steps of…
Thoughts About Tuition Rates
I’ve had some interesting conversations with a number of teachers over the past several months regarding what to charge for tuition. Of course, the amount we charge varies with what part of the country and which country you live in but there are some things…
Family Discounts- Multiple Student Families
Do any of you give discounts for the second, third, or fourth child from same family? I do give a discount for additional family members, although I know others will disagree with me on that. I just know that when my sister and I were…
Family Discounts- Advice and Ideas
I have two homeschool families, each with three children who are interested in having me teach all three children. What kind of discounts do you offer to families where more than one child is taking lessons? Do you max out at a certain rate? I…
Family Discounts
I have a husband and wife who want to do lessons together. They will obviously get a break on materials, but I am trying to decide whether or not to give them a break on lesson fees as well. Do you offer a family discount?…
Enrollment Incentive
At Free Introductory Sessions, I’ve offered a discount of one lesson off the first month. That’s almost 25% based on how I do payments. It hasn’t seemed like a huge draw. People seem all too willing to leave the FIS without enrolling. Even when I…
Fees for Multiple Student Families
Do you provide a fees break for families who want to have more than one of their children in lessons? Or if everyone in a household wants to take lessons? If so, do you use a sliding scale or a percentage discount, etc.? Each teacher,…