Free Advertising- Getting Started
Found in: About Business
Vonnie L. Oregon
A note to all: Don’t forget that often the best form of “advertising” is free. That is, news articles that your local paper prints because you are doing something newsworthy. Usually you can get a write up in the business section for opening up or expanding a business. You might also get an article for having an open house, for moving up a step in status (accredited, etc.), for having a recital to which the public is invited. You just have to write up the article more or less in the form that your paper uses and submit it to the right person at the paper. Don’t be afraid to write it as if you were interviewed. “Simply Music is xxxx,” says Your Last Name). Give them plenty of time to get it in before the actual date and then call the person to make sure he/she got it. You may get extra lines if you are interviewed personally.
Also, consider joining something like your local Chamber of Commerce. I recently joined my towns, which promotes business in the downtown area where my studio is located. It got me a brief notice in their newsletter. I’m also supposed to get some free radio spots, a link on their website, a chance to put a free insert in their newsletter, etc.
Another thing which I have learned from asking several people where they would go if they were looking for a piano teacher: The majority said they would ask the music director at their church. So I will soon start contacting all the area churches to try to introduce myself to their music director/pastor.
My problem is finding time to do all these things between my other responsibilities. My daughter, who is also a music teacher, says it is best if you can dedicate one day a week to building your business.