growing your studio

Showing 1 - 10 of 15 results in growing your studio

Getting A New Region Started

I am one of two teachers just getting started in Canada and I would like to share with you just one of the amazing experiences that have already occurred as I have been sharing Simply Music with my fellow Canadians. As many of you have…

What Problem Do We Solve for Clients?

Often when doing business training, the first thing we are asked to find out is ‘What is the Problem we are solving for your clients?’ This stumps me every time. Of course I know all the benefits. However, I was wondering if any of you…

Studio Name

Has anyone had issues with choosing a studio name? I just did a Google search for my chosen name, and there’s nothing by that name coming up. Someone has a studio several hours drive away with that name, and there’s also at least one in…

Question about Workshops

I would love to grow my studio from the plateau of about 20 students to more like 50. One thing I want to do is add Workshops. I see a 6-minute training on Workshops in Business Support. Where else would you suggest I look? Also,…

Growing adult student population

Some folks asked me to share about growing your adult student population. Here are a few things that have worked for me. 1) Deciding that’s what I wanted. Yes, I have turned down requests for teaching children. I adore kids, but at this point in…

Request vs Requirement Based Studios

December 2006 Neil came over to Australia for a series of workshops and spoke about the difference between Require and Request. This was a rather large insight for me. Although I knew where Neil was coming from and could appreciate it, I did wonder how…

Chat- How I Built and Consolidated My Business

Jy G. (USA)  Thank you for coming and for all the questions sent to me privately before today. I will do my best to answer as many of those as I can first, and then I will answer any other questions live. I opened with…

Chat- Building Your Studio

Hi everyone. Does anyone have any questions about Building a studio? Kerry H. (USA) …I have the opportunity to do two children’s fairs in September Cathy H. (USA) All day events, that would require a display etc. Cathy H. (USA) Have you had any results…

Trying to Grow My Studio- What am I Doing Wrong?

I’m reading all the success stories how most of you are enrolling so many students you have to put them on waiting lists. I’m very happy to read about this but in the mean time I would like to know how it’s happening. I have…

Advertising- Growing Your Studio

I read everyone’s e-mails, I realize maybe I am the only one with this problem. My problem is, I’ve been teaching for six months as a Simply Music teacher & I’ve been advertising through local new papers. My location is right on the boundary line…