Level 7 valley
Found in: Foundation Songs, Practicing & Playlists, Time Management
Kym N., California
I have a student who has been on level 7 for 14 months and still has one more song to go.
Maureen K., California
These things happen to me too. Especially if we have lots of other stuff going on, and if their practice routine isn’t stellar. I figure, it takes as long as it takes.
Joanne D., Australia
I have a student who has been in level 4 for 15 months and has still not gotten Billy at the Footy. This is a student with whom I have had ongoing issues. She never practices over the holiday breaks so we constantly have to go backwards.
I really wanted to discontinue lessons with her, but came to realize that for her the lessons are about more than piano. I truly believe she likes having someone there to listen to her and spend that quality time with her. I have come to accept that she will probably never progress very much in the program, which still bothers me a little.
Leeanne I., Australia
I have learned to be patient with my students. We all learn at different rates, and different things are hurdles for some students. Let go of your own expectations as a teacher and trust the method. If they do everything you ask, they will get there eventually.
If you are happy to keep teaching them, the parent is happy to pay you, and the student is happy with the lessons and the pace, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Bernadette A., California
If she’s going at her pace, I’d be okay with that. I would constantly check in with her and her parents to make sure that they are feeling good about piano lessons. Here’s the joy of it: She’s learning how to play the piano and it’s a skill that she’s going to have for life. If she’s gaining the skill of playing bass and also reading, you’re doing your job and she’s doing hers at her pace. To me that is success.
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
Level 7 is another point in the curriculum (along with Level 4) that Neil refers to as an ‘eye of the needle’ that you have to kind of push through. I have also had classes take quite some time to finish Level 7. The songs are more challenging, I introduce Jazz Clues during L7, and they are still developing their reading chops and moving forward with Arrangements, Comp & Improv, Accompaniment, and Blues & Improv. Lots going on at this stage!
Maureen K., California
I know some teachers choose to cut loose the students who don’t practice as much as we ask. And it does cause problems for groups.
But I choose to accommodate some of my students who aren’t good consistent practicers. They are moving forward and the parents are happy enough with the pace. Not everyone is an A student but that doesn’t mean music can’t be part of their life.