Number of students in workshop
Found in: Shared Lessons, Workshops
Heidi M., Canada
For workshops, is there a recommended limit to how many students per piano, compared with how many you can have in a typical (non workshop) shared lesson? Somewhere I heard a suggestion of only 2 people per piano in a workshop, but for shared lessons I know that it’s common to have more than that (because people can use practice pads while waiting their turn at the piano). I’ve had 7 people at church sign up for a SM workshop and I’m pondering the students per piano logistics. This is my first workshop.
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
I’ve only ever used one piano regardless.
Kerry V., Australia
One piano is more than enough. The learning doesn’t always happen at the keyboard.
Maureen K., California
One piano is fine. When they are learning one hand, for example Night Storm RH, after learning in air (and if you wish, on the keypads), you can have groups of three or four trying it out on the piano in different octaves at the same time. When it comes time to teach hands together, they do it one at a time at the correct place on the piano.