Recital ideas for student with broken arm
Found in: Special Needs & Learning Differences
Diane C., California
I have a very big recital party coming up and a very enthusiastic early level two student that really wants to participate, but she broke her right arm. She is in a shoulder cast so it will need to be left hand only. Anyone have an idea of something that can be played and learned in a few days?
Ruth P., North Carolina
Rachel G., Michigan
Family Tree LH while singing the melody. If you’re wanting earlier songs, Honey Dew or Amazing Grace with singing.
Rebecca G., Colorado
See if she can learn Honey Dew chords in her LH and let her sing while she plays, or just let her play the LH chords of I’ll Be There (and sing).
Terri P., Michigan
This may be too ambitious, but teach her the blues scale and have her improvise with her left hand, while someone else plays Jackson or Bishop Street, or even Alma Mater Blues.
Vicki L., New Zealand
Alma Mater Blues is great to teach them the RH riff in the LH – they just move up the piano and let someone else do the LH part. It’s great as it gets those weak LH fingers going using fingers 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Then she dan swp over and play the original LH pattern.
Maureen K., California
Graceful Groundhog (Chester variation), and the students stand up and sing with her.