piano party
Piano Party Ideas
I’ve been teaching for 2 years now and I realized one of the most common searches I do on the intranet is for games and ideas for my twice yearly Piano Parties (aka Really fun recitals). I’ve come up with some new ones and I…
Cathy Hirata’s Halloween Recital
twas halloween eve and all though my house ran teeny little kids, even a mouse! (sorry…..it was the best I could come up with!) they ran to the piano and played with glee each 2 songs, very strange indeed not what I taught, but each…
Recital Ideas
We ( the two of us who teach SM in our city) are hosting our first joint recital in a few weeks. Would love to hear from your voice of experience re: any tips or tools you have to share to make this a great…
My ‘Progressive Dinner’
Thought I’d share some of the details of Friday night with you. Months ago I included a questionnaire with my monthly newsletter that asked the parents for ideas about different activities and/or outings that we could try as a studio. One parent suggested a progressive…
First Recital Ideas – All Level 1 Students
Any suggestions for a new teacher with 22 students, all in Foundation 1, on how to organize a fun recital, where everyone participates with only the 10 foundation pieces + arrangements? My students range from 6 to 18 and two adults that I hope would…
Sing-a-Long at Elder Care Center
This May or June I’d like to give my students the opportunity to use their accompaniment skills for a sing-a-long at an elder care center. I’m looking for tips to make this a successful experience for everyone, students and audience alike. I’m wondering if it…
Adult Student Recital
I’ve appreciated the recent comments and ideas regarding a SM piano party. I’m wondering if any of you have some ideas specifically for older beginning students. I mentioned my plans for a piano “sharing afternoon” to my oldest student last night, and her smile morphed…
My Informal ‘Music Party’
I had my first recital yesterday. Well, more of a music party than a recital, as I only have 8 students. I wanted to provide an informal arena for them to show off their prowess on the piano without any pressure. They each invited 2…
Piano Parties & Recital Ideas
Would anyone like to start a discussion re piano parties? I’m most interested in tools that might help the families of the kids be involved and that sneak in some SM concepts. But if you have any other suggestions for things that were really wonderful–…
General Open Stage Questions
In response to some questions I have read, here are my replies. “…I’m assuming that I should do a brief description of the program at the beginning to introduce Simply Music..not sure how long, how much?…” I think it’s valuable to talk about SM, at…