Special Needs & Learning Differences

Showing 1 - 10 of 73 results in Special Needs & Learning Differences

Tips for Older Students

Those that also work with students 60+ might find something useful in a recent post to my students: Happy New Year! 🎉🎊 I hope you’re looking forward to an enjoyable year of music making in 2023! Here are a few tips that will support your…

High Functioning Aspergers Student

I may have written once already about this but here I am again. I have a student diagnosed as “high functioning Asperger’s” and I have to say that after 3 fairly ordinary lessons with him, what I see is a really bright boy who has…

Help with Autistic Student

Just wondering what different ideas I might be able to get for my 11 year old student with autism. She seems to have a lot of trouble using the right fingers. She keeps reverting back to playing just the RH melody only in her songs,…