Show Playlist Online
Found in: Practicing & Playlists, Studio Management
Susan M., Canada
In your online lessons, how do you get students to show you their playlists?
Cate R., Australia
I get them to hold them up to their camera, make sure they mark them in dark pen, blue seems to work better than black
Sharissa D., California
I have my students send me a photo before class to signal that they are ready for their lesson
Susan M., Canada
I have asked parents to send photo, and I never seem to get them. They forget and just seem so stressed to get into class. Any tips?
Karen D., Canada
So…. that’s why I only have some send photos. And during the pandemic (I was only teaching online prior to covid), the parents of some of my students are more stressed, so I’ve let it go for them. So, for some of these students, I am asking for monthly photos instead of weekly. This may work…
Oh, and it’s really too much for some students – I was having to send them an email reminder a couple of days before their lesson and they weren’t sending playlists the day before. I only have a handful of students and one sends hers the day before without a reminder and another sends his monthly.
Sharissa D., California
If I don’t get the picture beforehand, it’s the first thing I ask for when class starts. After delaying the start of class a couple of times for playlist pictures, I find that most people will remember to do it so. I also remind them that it’s important to me to be the best teacher I possibly can be for them.. and I need their playlist to make that happen.
Evan H., Kansas
A few of my students use online playlists. I share a Google Sheet with them, which they check off. I can see it in real time if I want to, and it’s very easy for them to keep track of.
Original discussion started July 29, 2020