keeping the playlist alive

Showing all 8 results in keeping the playlist alive

Date, Lessons & Number Fields on Playlist

This is such a simple question, I’m actually embarrassed that it’s not occurred to me until now. There are three fields at the bottom of the Playlist pages: – Date – Lesson No. – No. of Songs. Since there is already a “Month” and “Year”…

New Playlist & Notes Book Reviews

Well, not only are the new Playlist and Notes books very useful, but Jy and Sheri’s TTM is fantastic. I love your wisdom and playfulness in presenting the material and we teachers get much more out of the tutorial than just learning how to use…

Show Playlist Online

In your online lessons, how do you get students to show you their playlists? I get them to hold them up to their camera, make sure they mark them in dark pen, blue seems to work better than black I have my students send me…

Webinar Series: 08/16/2018 – Piano – Turbo-Charge Your Studio with the Playlist Management Program

Hear from Jy Gronner and Sheri Reingold, creators of our Supplemental Program, Playlist Management. Learn about all the wonderful content included in this program as well as how to implement it in your studio. Topics include: Introducing Jy & Sheri, Creators of Playlist Management (00:05)…