Teaching Every Other Week
Found in: Adult Students, Scheduling, Shared Lessons
Elisa J.
I know this is not ideal but I was just wondering if any of you have students that have lessons only every other week? Other than taking a little longer to complete a level, is this manageable? As long as I have other families during the “off” days I thought I’d keep this option open to some who can’t fit a month’s lesson in their budget. I can think of at least 4 families in my call list who may want this option. I’d like to hear anyone’s thoughts on this.
Joanne J., Australia
I do have 4 private students who have fortnightly lessons – sharing the times week about so I don’t have any gaps. It is not as efficient as weekly obviously but they are all very happy with their progress and it does mean they can afford it. Actually 2 of them are fortnightly because of time constraints. I am very happy to accommodate them as their music would fall by the wayside otherwise which would be very sad, and sharing the times means it doesn’t impact on my schedule or my income.
Hilary C., Australia
I have students who are fly-in fly-out workers- often not regular patterns – they are keen to learn and do the work and I’m happy to accommodate them, otherwise they would not learn at all. Usually they have electronic keyboards they take to their work site to work on. Sometimes it’s just the cardboard one, especially when they change jobs.
Joanne L., Australia
I have one student who has lessons twice a month, but not as regular fortnightly lessons. We arranged this as an exception to the usual studio requirements as she has a busy travel lifestyle. It was her second attempt to commit to Simply Music (she had the same difficulties previously committing to regular lesson times). I can see that she truly does want to pursue music and it would be a shame for her to lose the chance to experience music in her life. I’m happy with her progress and both of us are happy with the arrangement. However, I’ve made it clear that her time slots will vary according to my studio needs and ‘regular’ students will take precedence and she understands that and is glad to be allowed the flexibility for her lifestyle. She is an exception though, and I do not intend to offer this type of arrangement to anyone else.