Unfolding Comp/Improv, Arrangements, Accompaniment
Found in: Accompaniment, Arrangements & Variations, Composition & Improvisation
Leslie L., California
I’m wondering about how to bring in Composition/Improvisation, Accompaniments, and Arrangements 1 for my students? I’m a pretty new teacher and my most advanced students are starting Amazing Grace in Foundation 1. When do I start to introduce these other programs? How much of each do I give them and how often? Any specific suggestions from you great teachers out there on what’s worked best for you would be SO helpful!
Cindy B., Illinois
When you ask your students, in the 2nd lesson, “have you written anything?” – you have begun the comp and improv program.
I start the accompaniment program during level 2, before Amazing Grace with 7ths is introduced.
When you teach Dreams on D, or the insert in Night Storm, you’ve begun the process of arrangements 1. Just make sure you have an element in every lesson that involves building the remembering muscle – I usually begin the arrangements very very early.