Enrollment Form Options
Found in: About Business, Forms & Organization
Claudia B., Maryland
I’m in the process of enrolling my first student and I’m wondering who of you is using the SM enrollment form. I’ve seen two different versions of it. The current one with the teacher’s notes and an older version that has some policies on it. I like the policies mentioned on the older version form and would love to use that one. Also, because it has the student (or parent) sign and date at the bottom. What are you using as an enrollment form? How do you handle it?
Leeanne I., Australia
I used to use the old one. I believe the updated version was so teachers could put their own policies on it. I now have a digital form on my website. That way I can save it directly into a folder on my computer.
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
I use a digital form as well.
I used to use a Google form, but now I use Airtable as a database for my studio. It allows you to create a form and share a link, then populates the database with the info.
But you can use any online form creator. There are lots of free ones.
Original discussion started May 7, 2023