Jazz Clues Order
Found in: Curriculum, Jazz Clues
Joan H., Canada
Hi everybody – is there an optimal/preferable way to process Jazz pieces and JC 1-4? Option 1: start with the Mirron and process all 4 Jazz Clues, then move on to the next piece, all 4 clues….vs. Option 2: Learn each song with Jazz Clue 1, Then each song with Jazz Clue 2 etc. I see advantages to both, and will check back into the TTM, but thought I’d also ask voices of experience. Many thanks….
Kristin H., Indiana
I use Option 2. It is definitely my preferred order.
Mark M., New York
While Option 2 isn’t exactly the same as our general, incremental STP approach since other Jazz Clues don’t build precisely directly on JC1, I think proceeding with each song from simplest JC to more complex ones provides a good incremental learning approach.
This doesn’t mean you have to go through all the songs with JC1 before any one song can move past JC1. It only means that with any given song you’d go from JC1 on upward.
Pamela M., Canada
I have used both option. I would say though option 2 has been more successful for my students.
Robin Keehn, Washington
I mix it up. Learn The Mirron with JC1, then JC2. Then to get a quick result do JC 1 as they’re learning the melody line but then immediately bring in JC2. I never insist they play songs with JC1 unless they’re struggling with reading the notes.
Laurie Richards, Washington
JC1 is only intended to be processed with the first 3 songs per the TTMs. I process JC 2 through all the songs, then JC3 through all the songs, then JC 4.
It generally takes some time for students to get solid on each Jazz Clue, and each Clue builds on the previous one. It’s a lot to process if the previous clue isn’t ‘thoughtless’.
Original discussion started July 14, 2021