Retiring songs from playlist
Found in: Development Levels, Foundation Songs
Amy L., California
I’m preparing to allow students to retire some pieces from their playlists. I’ve purchased TTMs through Level 9 so I’m familiar with the repertoire to that point. In the Development levels, are there any pieces that build on Foundation pieces?
Cate R., Australia
The Gaz and Fur Elise.
Patti P., Hawaii
Fur Elise is complete in Foundation 9. Deep River and The Gaz show up in the Development levels.
Gordon Harvey, Australia
The original Minuet in G is in Development 13. There’s also a ripping version of The Gaz in D11 and a jaw-dropping Deep River in D14. For Deep River I don’t think keeping the original is necessary, but I use the Arrangement as a stepping stone to the full version.