Development Levels

Showing 1 - 10 of 20 results in Development Levels

Different Development Levels

Any advice for grouping students who are in different Development levels? Can this be done, and if so, what does a typical lesson look like? Or, how do I teach the lesson in such a way that gives the most value to the students even…

Self-Generating in Development Levels

I’ve been pondering the self generative nature of the Developmental levels lately and how I can sharpen up my game. I have students up to L 15 atm. So I started crafting more How, Why, Discover What, I wonder if..’ type questions/phrases to sprinkle through…

Father to Son Leger Lines

Question about “Father to Son” in Development Level 16, that is not addressed in the teacher recording. My students and I have a hard time reading the music because it is difficult to see where the staff ends and the leger lines begin. Has anyone…

Moonlight Sonata 9th

Question on Moonlight Sonata. In bar 8 the last beat, the 2 notes are 9th apart. Are we expected to play that in one hand? Here’s how Kerry. Moonlight Sonata. How to Play the Interval of a 9th, in Measure 8 Original discussion started…

Pedaling Bertini Study in Cm (Development 11)

After the student can play the Bertini Study in C minor in Development Level 11 smoothly, how much pedaling would you suggest? Every three RH notes, light pedaling? RH seems nice without pedaling. But the LH chords sound a bit dry without some pedaling support.…

Lack of expressive instructions in classical pieces

I’m wondering why there are no expression, dynamic, or tempo indications in the written music, particularly on classical pieces. It seems to me that especially by the Development levels, wouldn’t that be important for students and to be faithful to what the composer intended? I…

Full version of Bach Minuet in G

Is the full version of Bach’s Minuet in G part of the SM program? How do I get the sheet music for it? I’ve been down a confusing rabbit trail trying to find it online. Yes, it is – In Development 13. There is a…

Teaching Development level songs

I’m wondering of those of you teaching in Development 10 and beyond continue to learn each song off the page? I have done so through Development 12, and could continue but usually have other projects of my own on the go. With my previous piano…