Students Describe Reading
Found in: Curriculum, Reading
Gabrielle K., Iowa
Wanted to share something that’s been working well for me. I have one group of boys in level 7 that moves very quickly. To help them keep at their pace, I gave them an assignment to make a video of them describing the patterns, time signature, dynamic and tempo markings and anything else they notice. Then after I watch and approve, they can start working on the right hand rhythm, then notes. Takes me 2 min to watch and helps them have enough to work on in a week. Also fueling that self-generative muscle. 🙂
These boys are working on their pieces for our fall showcase! So a mixture of classical and ragtime. I don’t have them do this with all pieces, but if it’s one that will be a challenge, I definitely require it to prevent them from making a mistake or overlooking something prior to working on it.
Original discussion started June 1, 2021