
Showing 1 - 10 of 15 results in self-generate

Absence of Tempo and Expressing Markings

The below question was asked in response to a video Neil posted to help answer a question about what key Dark Blue is in, covered in a separate Simpedia post: Neil Moore hearing Joe’s playing also made me realize you don’t put tempo markings…

Expression and Playing Musically

I have an adult student (currently in Level 3) who sent me the following email and I would like to reply to this: “I would love to have more feedback on how to play better! I am very happy with my classes the following is…

Self-Generating in Development Levels

I’ve been pondering the self generative nature of the Developmental levels lately and how I can sharpen up my game. I have students up to L 15 atm. So I started crafting more How, Why, Discover What, I wonder if..’ type questions/phrases to sprinkle through…

Students Describe Reading

Wanted to share something that’s been working well for me. I have one group of boys in level 7 that moves very quickly. To help them keep at their pace, I gave them an assignment to make a video of them describing the patterns, time…

Blues Infusion Flipped Classroom

Wondering if anyone has used the Blues Infusion program in a “flipped classroom” way, where you send students to watch it on their own and follow up in class? I feel it could be a good extra project for students in groups who want more.…

Defining Generative

Since my email last night regarding the “Swim Coach” reference to teaching students who play better than you do, I’ve had a couple of emails asking about what exactly “Self-Generating” or “generative” teaching or learning is. What it means, in a nutshell, is the ability…

Hedwig’s Theme from Harry Potter

I have a 10 yr old girl student at level one – we’re coming up to Fur Elise and she wanted to learn to play piano so she could play Harry Potters theme. She has now with the help of internet video and her mother…

Self-Generativity in Online Lessons

I noticed an unexpected benefit today in my virtual lessons – because I wasn’t there to have more ‘hands on’ instruction,they had to think through and process instruction a little differently. It seemed more generative as they spoke the instructions kinda to themselves and figured…

MAC Program Progression

I posted about the MAC program to someone looking for piano exposure for some younger homeschooling kids in a facebook group I am in. She is now asking me more and I’m not sure how to respond since I haven’t actually been through the whole…

Alternate Greensleeves Fingering

An 8-year-old student came up with an alternate fingering for Greensleeves that I thought was both insightful and helpful for kids with small hands, and I told her I was going to share it here, and that Neil Moore might even see it. In the…