Learning upper level songs playing-based
Found in: Development Levels, Playing-Based Methodology
Ruth P., North Carolina
Confessions here…with upper level pieces, I have often just used the music for learning them myself before teaching them, since reading is so easy for me. Thanks to Mark Meritt’s ‘words of wisdom’ this summer, I decided that I would try and learn them the SM way…playing based (much harder for me). I’ve found that I can teach them to my students the playing-based way with more integrity now because I, as the teacher, am playing them that way too! It’s empowering…and fun too!
Anne S., Nebraska
I found that when I started teaching SM and learned songs playing-based, my reading improved because I started noticing patterns and chords.
Amy L., California
Me too! I’m learning a Chopin Waltz that my mom used to play when I was a kid. I found myself blocking the runs into hand positions and practicing moving from position 1 to position 2 to 3 etx. It was so cool!