Video Student Advice
Found in: Practicing & Playlists, Relationships, Student Management, Student Recognition, Students, Studio Communication
Ruth P., North Carolina
You know how you talk yourself blue in the face sometimes to your students about basic best practices and it seems to go in one ear and out the other? Well, I decided to let the STUDENTS speak – video tape them – and share it with my studio. Lo and behold, it worked! Folks are referencing these videos in ways they never did before when I was just TELLING them to do it. It’s quite amazing. Wanted to share a couple of these to demonstrate what I mean.
I did it on the spur of the moment when they would say something salient. I’d simply ask if they would mind saying that again while I videoed. Although there was a bit of the ‘oh my hair doesn’t look…yadda yada,” in general I think they felt good to having their ‘wisdom’ spread abroad! I think having it be spontaneous gives it an air of authenticity.
Original discussion started December 4, 2019