taking videos

Showing 1 - 10 of 11 results in taking videos

Videos on Social Media

Question for you social media whizzes. I am just starting to be visible on social media and am trying to post regularly. I posted a video today of a student playing and FB, or instagram or both, suggested I also post as a “Reel” to…

Release for Online Lessons

I’m changing my enrolment forms to an online version and I’m stuck on how to word the media release section. In the past, the majority of my students declined the usage of photos/videos of students online for marketing purposes. I’m guessing that in other studios,…

Student Images on Social Media

When I enroll students, I ask them to fill out a photo/video release form that provides permission to share images of students playing piano and only first names. However, the majority of my students choose “No” to using them on websites or social media. Do…

Remembering Compositions

Below is an email from a parent. Any advice on strategies I could suggest? This student has been with me for about 6 months. He is in first grade and is moving through Foundation pieces at a just-under-average pace. I have noticed memory is an…

Making a Testimonials Video

(MARKETING IDEA) I came across something that I’m looking forward to implementing. I know somebody who is in early implementer of the technology and is having great results. This is a system that allows you to capture professionally assembled testimonials in a video format. I…

Online Recital

Ok now that everyone is teaching online……how about an online recital? You’d have to have Zoom pro. Or I saw on Pinterest a teacher had kids make videos with their phones and she compiled them and put it on YouTube in a way none could…

Video Student Advice

You know how you talk yourself blue in the face sometimes to your students about basic best practices and it seems to go in one ear and out the other? Well, I decided to let the STUDENTS speak – video tape them – and share…