
Webinar Series: 08/18/2017 – Gateway – Q & A

Found in: Special Needs & Learning Differences, Webinars with Karen Nisenson

In this webinar Karen Nisenson, creator of the Gateway program, and Neil Moore give some background information about the recently released Simply Music Gateway curriculum and answer specific questions from the teacher body.

Topics include:

  1. Simply Music Gateway – Background (00:00)
  2. Methodological Basis of Gateway (03:48)
  3. Differences Between Simply Music Piano & Gateway (10:26)
  4. How Gateway Compares to Other Programs for Children with Disabilities (13:48)
  5. Expected Outcomes (17:01)
  6. Knowing What to Expect & Anticipate (27:43)
  7. Structure of the Gateway Curriculum (32:34)
  8. Teaching Students with Alzheimer’s, Dementia or Brain Injuries (35:30)
  9. After Gateway, What’s Next? (38:39)
  10. How to Know if Gateway is Appropriate for a Student (41:01)
  11. Goals of Simply Music Gateway (47:43)

Click through the video below to hear Karen discuss the previously stated topics.