
Webinar Series: 09/27/2017 – Gateway – Behavior Issues: Dealing with the Student & Parent

Found in: Coaches, Special Needs & Learning Differences, Student Management, Webinars with Karen Nisenson

Working with students who have profound processing differences requires a different mindset in order to achieve a successful outcome. This webinar dives into this simple yet crucial difference and addresses some very common concerns about working with special needs students.

Topics include:

  1. About the Gateway Program (00:00)
  2. Connecting with the Student (03:26)
  3. About ‘Patience’ (07:45)
  4. Common Concerns Addressed in TTMs (10:44)
  5. Specific Student Example (15:09)
  6. Dealing with Parent ‘Agenda’ (23:10)
  7. Relationship with Parents (34:43)
  8. What if I’m Afraid to Try Gateway? (45:15)

Click through the video below to hear Karen discuss the previously stated topics.